Unveiling the secrets of the cargo king China-Europe Railway Express: How the "Steel Camel Caravan" gallops along the new silk road

2023-08-08 00:50:11来源:羊城派

Over the past decade of implementing the Belt and Road Initiative, Silk Road Economic Belt has emerged as a golden economic belt with concentrated industries and dense populations, with the China-Europe Railway Express becoming a prominent showcase of China"s openness to the world.

Data reveals that in 2022, the total import and export volume between Guangdong and countries and regions along the Belt and Road reached 2.25 trillion yuan, making it the province with the highest trade volume and bilateral investment among all regions along the Belt and Road. The China-Europe Railway Express has injected robust momentum into the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative.


Paving new business routes: The prosperity of the "Steel Camel Caravan"

In March 2011, the first China-Europe Railway Express (from Chongqing to Duisburg) successfully commenced operations. From the initial 17 trains to over 73,000 trains with 6.9 million TEUs (Twenty-foot Equivalent Units) by the end of June this year, the China-Europe Railway Express has connected 216 cities in 25 European countries.

The representative of the Freight Department of China Railway stated that the China-Europe Railway possesses advantages such as all-weather service, high transport capacity, environmental friendliness, and safety, making it favored by customers along the route.

The growth of the China-Europe Railway Express reflects the flourishing charm of Belt and Road Initiative, attracting an increasing number of high-value commodities. Organic goji berries from Qinghai, flowers from Wenjiang, coffee beans from Yunnan, and more have found their way into European households. German kitchenware, French wine, Kazakh beef, and others have also reached Chinese consumers through the China-Europe Railway Express.

As Chinese products embark on the world stage via the China-Europe Railway Express, countries along the Belt and Road are also better positioned to share in the commercial prosperity and industrial upgrading opportunities brought by China"s vast market.

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Driven by expanding overseas market demands and domestic consumers" preference for cost-effective goods, the China-Europe Railway Express has enlarged its operation. Data shows that from 2016 to 2022, the annual number of China-Europe Railway Express supervised by Guangzhou Customs increased from 13 to 339. The average customs clearance time per hundred trains decreased from 736 days to 55 days, showcasing remarkable acceleration.

Each journey of the China-Europe Railway spans the Eurasian continent, forging a "golden bridge" of connectivity and mutual benefit.

Kazakhstan, the birthplace of the Belt and Road Initiative, offers convenient land ports and visa-free policies to business people from Guangdong to seize new cooperative business opportunities by boarding trains on the "New Silk Road".

In 2022, bilateral trade between Belarus and China reached a historic high. Dairy products, meat, and fish from Belarus were transported via the China-Europe Railway Express to various regions in China, including Guangdong.

Duisburg, a city in western Germany, hosts a "Chinatown". In 2011, the first China-Europe Railway Express arrived here, heralding a new chapter of transportation in Eurasian land. As an important hub for transportation and logistics in Europe, Duisburg has gained more development opportunities thanks to the China-Europe Railway Express.

The China-Europe Railway Express roars with the sound of interconnected cooperation as it gallops across the Eurasian continent. Carrying the dream of mutual benefit and win-win outcomes, it races to destinations worldwide.















中欧班列呼啸着互联互通的合作声音,驰骋在亚欧大陆;承载着互利共赢的美好梦想,飞奔向世界各地。(更多新闻资讯,请关注羊城派 pai.ycwb.com)

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